Touch Systems Group is proud to be a pioneer in the interactive kiosk software market in CIS countries, with the ability to provide turn-key solutions for clients. Twenty years of experience guarantees our software quality and stability.
Understand who we are and why we can deliver the solution you are looking for
We started as an interactive kiosk manufacturer and opened a software department in a few years. During the next five years, we gained the position of leading software developer in CIS countries. Our software works in thousand of touchscreen stands, interactive kiosks, and information systems. More than 20 years of expertise in touchscreen technologies allow us to deliver only high-quality, time-proven, customized solutions to suit your particular needs and requirements!
Ten years ago, we brought to the CIS market our kiosk software TouchInform, which features perfect ergonomics, and usability and could be easily customized to different scenarios. As a result, we have ready-to-use solutions for any industry.
Here are the screenshots of some of our solutions based on TouchInform software.
Interactive booking system for cinemas and theatres TouchInform: Affiche
Information system TouchInform: State Services
Information system TouchInform: Digital School
Kiosk software for restaurants TouchInform: Electronic Menu
For the last five years, we have implemented our kiosk software TouchInform in
- Murmansk Children’s City Hospital No. 1 (interactive complex «TouchInform: Medicine»);
- State Center «My documents» (touchscreen monitors with the information system «TouchInform: State Service»);
- the Moscow Kremlin (customized information kiosks);
- Moscow City Service Centers (information kiosks with the system «TouchInform: State Service»);
- Arbitration Court (customized information kiosks);
- Moscow Office of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (interactive kiosks);
- Moscow City Court (information terminals);
- Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk City Service Centers (interactive kiosks with the system «TouchInform: State Service»);
- regional courts of the Russian Federation (touchscreen kiosks);
- the municipal authorities office of Cheboksary City (information kiosks with the system «Electronic City»);
- Sberbank (information kiosks);
- Moscow Metro (interactive kiosks with the system «TouchInform: Timetable»);
- the Aeroflot offices (information kiosks);
- the Volkswagen salons (interactive kiosks with the information system);
- the simulator for a new aircraft MS 21 (touchscreen monitors);
- the Saint-Petersburg Metro (information kiosks);
- Domodedovo airport (interactive terminals with information system);
- the Tretyakov Gallery (exclusively designed touch kiosks with the «Interactive Museum Guide»);
- the Saratov State Art Museum named after A.N. Radishchev (information terminals with «Interactive Museum Guide»);
- Ikea stores (touch monitors with electronic catalog system);
- shoe stores «Alphabet» (interactive stands with the system «TouchInform: Goods catalog»);
- the Moscow chain of restaurants «Coffeemania» (touch monitors for POS-system);
- the TV show «Dancing with the Stars» and «Dancing on Ice» (touch monitors);
- the travel operator agencies Biblio Globus (information kiosks with booking system);
- «Izmaylovo Gamma-Delta» hotels (information kiosks with the «TouchInform: Hotel» software);
- the Moscow Expocenter on Krasnaya Presnya (information kiosks with a navigation system).
Tags: kiosk software, kiosk application, interactive kiosk software, kiosk system software