Composed of two main components – Editor and Player – Automated Testing System «TouchInform: Staff Testing» is a multipurpose tool for creating interactive information systems for touchscreen stands and Interactive Digital Signage . It is a powerful means for creating not just simple projects, but highly detailed scenarios, to inform about current and upcoming events, to display documents, photo and video content – and all that without programming! There is a large number of customized solutions based on TouchInform one of which is Automated Testing System «TouchInform: Staff Testing».
Automated Testing System «TouchInform: Staff Testing»
Automated Testing System is a powerful but easy-to-use software to enable anyone (both advanced users and even the most non-technical of users) to create interactive self-scoring tests in a variety of fields with different types of questions – multiple-choice, multiple-response, numeric and fill in blanks. It is the fastest, most accurate and cost effective method of testing that enables HR (human resources) departments to verify skills of qualified workers. Establishing a minimum standard of knowledge and skill for the personnel, having professional skills and experience objectively assessed You will be able to advance in today’s competitive marketplace, enhance career success and contribute to safer workplace while helping maintain high level of performance.
Software is flexible enough to handle all sorts of content – every asset type – from graphical (geometric figures, lines, buttons) and multimedia elements ( videos, images, sounds ); through text objects, documents, running lines, web browsers, templates and forms; to galleries and collections, external and internal data sources. Full control of appearance and geometry and large collection of properties to d evelop Your own project appropriate for your business industry!